My god Pete! You have lived such an incredible life. The circle of friends that you made radiates through everything I like and listen to. So much talent concentrated to a relatively small area in a moment of time. Each of your stories leaves me wanting to ask a million more questions. Will a Ramadillo cd or download ever see a release? I feel so ashamed that Ramadillo escaped my radar.

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Hi Brian... I also mentioned this in Steve's comment just now but I will go ahead an repeat it here since I don't know if you'd see the other.

For now, we are focused on the 7" single. There is interest in releasing the album 'West of Here' on vinyl. So that would be ideal. If that were to happen then we would also release the whole record digitally. I'm busy with the Blend release... and my next 'Pete Droge' recordings... and we want to get Necktie Second reissued for its 30th next year... so my plate is full at the moment. Not sure how soon we'll be able to tackle the Ramadillo release. For now, we have "Devil's in the Best of Moods."

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Yes, I am able to read your other responses. Thank you for all of this great news with all of your other releases! Just listened to Necktie Second this morning on headphones. Hardest Thing To Do, amazing recording, Elaine’s vocals are so beautiful and smooth! I look forward to listening to your works and artistry. Your reply contains so much to look forward to!

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Hi Brian- We worked up an acoustic versioin of Hardest Thing to Do a while back... Elaine's harmonies are money!

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Great to hear just how it was the years before Pete Droge and the Sinners! You were fortunate to know, all by yourself, that the bottle had to go for you to move forward with your career.

I have enjoyed listening to the Ramadillo cassette that I have had for many years. It still works fine but I have transferred it to cd. Is it on Spotify?

Keep the stories coming Pete.

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Ramadillo is not on Spotify. Not yet, anyhow. We're focused on the single for now. At some point we are hoping for a vinyl release of 'West of Here.' It that happens we'll get it all on Spotify too.

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