About Love Songs Etc

I've had chronic fatigue since 2015. I'm happy to report that my energy is improving. While I'm still a long way from 100%, I'm super grateful for the energy I do have. Lately, I've been feeling well enough to begin a slow and steady return to my music career. 

My focus is on two things: this newsletter and a new album. These two projects will be intimately intertwined and subscribers will have a front-row seat as I open up my studio and sketchbook.

Back when my fatigue was at its worst, a silver lining appeared. My lack of energy forced me to consider this:

“If I could only do one thing, what would it be?”

Despite my many interests, the answer was immediate and concrete:  Songwriting! And as it turned out, songwriting paired well with my fatigue. (It may look like I'm just laying on a couch, but I'm actually hard at work trying to find a rhyme for orange.)

During the fatigue years I've amassed a pile of new songs. I'm excited to share them here. I’m also looking forward to giving a glimpse into my process with From the Sketchbook, a series of posts where you'll witness how a song evolves via work tapes, demos and short essays.

What else can I expect?

As the title of this newsletter suggests, there will be love songs. There will also be songs that explore the complexity of my experience as an adoptee. There will be road songs, a cautionary drug tale and even a song or two about writing songs.

Plus, I recently unearthed a ton of old cassettes and have been digitizing like crazy. I look forward to sharing old demos and outtakes as well. 

And if that isn't enough, I'll be singing into my video camera from time to time.

I have ideas for other posts too: a studio tour, guitar tutorials, Q&A etc.  And someday I will launch my podcast Pete Droge is Obsessed in this very space!

Is there a paywall?

None of my posts will be behind a paywall. However, Substack allows for paid subscriptions so that those who would like to support my work financially can do so.

In addition to my deepest gratitude, paid subscribers and members of the DrogeHead Lounge will receive new music before it’s released. Plus, they’ll gain access to a “rarities” page where they can stream or download their own hi-res copies of all the music I post on Substack.

Paid subscriptions are $6 a month or $60 a year.

For those who would like to show an extra level of support, a DrogeHead Lounge membership is $200 suggested, or any amount above $60.

How often will you post?

I can only promise this: no promises. At least a couple of times a month? Maybe several times a month? Probably a few times a month. I’m still managing chronic fatigue day to day, but I’m thrilled to finally have enough energy to start sharing what I’ve been working on over the past several years.

I'm excited to have a platform where I can share my creative world and even more excited that you'll be here to be a part of it all. I've never felt comfortable with all those big social media platforms.  

A friend summed it up like this:

"Sharing music on Facebook is like busking in the public square while sharing through Substack is like an intimate house concert."

I love knowing that everyone on the receiving end of my posts is a willing participant. And I love that we have the opportunity to create something of a community. So whether you're a total DrogeHead, a fair-weather fan, or a looky-loo, you are welcome to join me by subscribing here.

Thanks for taking the time to check out Love Songs Etc on Substack!

Peace & Love Songs,

Pete Droge
Winter 2023
Vashon Island, WA

Subscribe to Love Songs Etc

Pete Droge muses on songwriting & record making while sharing work tapes, demos, outtakes, road stories & more.


I sing. I write songs. I play a bunch of instruments, mainly guitar. The Boston Globe once called me "A songwriter of stature." So, I got that going for me, which is nice.